2016.033.007 The Family Journey of The Yao Family
Tina Yao & William Yao talk about their immigration life experience, their family tradition and the cultural legacy they want to leave to their offspring. William Yao talks about his childhood in Shanghai, his father who worked in the silk business died of a stroke when he was young. Although three of her five children lived with her brother it was still hard for William mother to raise her children, financially. After WWII William went to the Shanghai provincial State High School, later he left Shanghai to look for a job. His mother’s brother asked him if wanted to come to New York through his newspaper company. His first job had bad pay and that’s when he applied to Pan Am, where he stayed. Later on when his children were growing up they went and lived in Flushing, which was convenient, had mahjong and Chinese food places. His wife Tina Yao lately joins his oral history.

0:00 - 出生地点,家庭成员,严苛的经济和教育形势,父亲的商业 Birthplace, family members, harsh financial and educational circumstance, father’s business

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5:23 - 兄弟姊妹,父亲的趋势,与舅舅一起生活,潘家,威廉如何遇见他的妻子,他的父母如何相遇 Siblings, father’s death, lived with uncle, the Pan family, how William met his wife, how his parents met

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11:39 - 在上海长大,兄长在威斯康星州,结婚并回到中国 Growing up in Shanghai, brother studied in Wisconsin, got married and moved back to China

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15:44 - 在纽约的中国报纸,在香港工作,外汇,带金子去香港 Chinese newspaper at New York, worked in Hong Kong, foreign exchange, bring gold to Taiwan

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18:48 - 低收入,通过潘舅舅来到美国,加入“美国艺术家组织”,成为泛美航空公司的会计师 Low income, came to US through Uncle Pan, joined “United States Artist”, became an accountant

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22:09 - 在泛美航空公司工作,结婚前的生活,歧视,上海的英语课,在中国的亲戚 Working at PAN, life before marriage, discrimination, English class in Shanghai, relatives in China

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28:40 - 对比美国和中国的机遇,对于教育的理念,对法拉盛的印象 Comparing opportunities in US and China, philosophy on education, impression on Flushing

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32:40 - 姚氏夫妇如何相遇的,可以在国家间旅行,家庭生活日常,语言障碍 How the Yaos met, be able to travel back and forth, what family daily lives like, language barrier

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37:55 - 周末的传统活动,456餐馆,广东人占领了70年代的中国城,未来的几代人 Traditions on weekend, 456 restaurant, Cantonese dominated Chinatown in 70s, the future generations

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41:43 - 哪里是“家”,中国的“储蓄”传统,关于身份,分享给孙子辈的想法 Where to consider “home”, Chinese tradition on “saving”, about identity, to share with grandchildren

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