0:06 - 年父母来到纽约,各处奔波,1934年定居唐人街Parents arriving in NYC in 1921, moved around, settled in Chinatown in 1934
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5:01 - 兄弟出征二战,在大萧条时期生活,教堂和23小学 Brothers fought during WWII, lived through Depression, church and PS 23
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14:37 - 家庭活动,非传统的母亲,父亲,30到50年代的唐人街 Family activities, non-traditional mother, father, Chinatown from 30s to 50s
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23:21 - 从1955年移居皇后区,她在高中和大学的时间,二战的影响 Moved to Queens in 1955, her time at high school and college, the impact of WWII
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30:26 - 纽约的交通运输,姐姐在世界博览会上表演舞蹈 Traveling in New York (Flushing, Battery Park), sister dancing at the World's Fair
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40:04 - 大都会人寿的工作,53年开始教师生涯,当今的教育,种族歧视 Working at Metropolitan Insurance, started teaching in 53', today's education, racism
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46:43 - 二战时的华人社区,硕士学位,兄弟姐妹及其工作 Chinese community during WWII, master degrees, siblings and their occupations
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57:34 - 生活在皇后区及其1955年和如今的邻里,她在教堂的活动Living in Queens and the neighborhood in 1955 and today, her church activities
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