0:09 - 开场白:介绍受访者、地址、日期、及采访人 Introduction of narrator and interviewer’s names, interview location, and date
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1:12 - 名字由来,家族历史,家族相册 Origins of her name, family history, and a family album
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10:03 - 1987 年布鲁克林反华运动,华人反击,华人妇联会 1987 Brooklyn: anti-Chinese incident & Chinese community's defense; joining a labor union
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26:30 - 反华事件之前街区的情况,邻里关系 Situation of the block before the incident in her community; relationship with neighbors
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30:02 - 街区的变化, 受访人现在的生活 Changes of the block in her community; changes in her life circa 1993
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47:21 - 起诉曼哈顿唐人街王孔旺事件中警察违法行为 Charges of police misconduct in incident of Hung-Wong Wong in Manhattan's Chinatown
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64:24 - 与日落公园的警察打交道,比较曼哈顿唐人街的警察 Dealing with the police in Sunset Park, compared with those in Manhattan's Chinatown
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66:43 - 为什么搬来日落公园,居住环境, 日落公园的华人居民 Why move to Sunset Park, living envrionment, Chinese residents in Sunset Park
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84:46 - 布鲁克林犯罪状况,将来发展,附近工厂 In Brooklyn: description of crime, future development, factories nearby
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99:43 - 子女自己在曼哈顿居住的地区,环境、租金 Manhattan areas where her grown children live on their own; environment & rent
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121:32 - 第八大道社区需要改善的地方,华人社团的合作,医疗 8th Ave. area's improvement needs, cooperation among Chinese community org.'s, Medicare
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128:54 - 受访者在大陆学中西医、做护士的经历 Her learning of Chinese and Western medicine and being a nurse in mainland China
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134:31 - 受访者家庭背景,去广州、台山、香港、岭南读书 Interviewee's family background; studying in Guangzhou, Taishan, Hong Kong and Lingnan
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150:50 - 回乡下小学教书 Her return to her Chinese village where she taught in primary school
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158:35 - 转去另一个学校教书,解放后做税务稽查 Her switch to another school, and being a tax inspector after liberation in China
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173:20 - 保送去广州读高中,不适应,转去学医 Being recommended to high school, and not fitting in; then a switch to medical school
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181:55 - 毕业后去郑州工作 Going to work in Zhengzhou, China after graduation
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