0:25 - 开场白:介绍受访者、地址、日期、及采访人 Introduction of narrator and interviewer’s names, interview location, and date
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1:13 - 住在日落公园的原因、生活环境、朋友、租屋、将来想搬去哪里 Choosing Sunset Park, living environment, friends, rent, where to move in future
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13:28 - 比较纽约的几个唐人街, 现在的工作,喜欢的购物、办喜丧、聚会、吃饭的地方 NY's Chinatowns; current work; Best places for: shopping, wedding, funeral, party, eating
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23:47 - 对现在居住的社区的看法,对华人社区的期许 Views on living in her community, expectation for future development of Chinese community
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31:18 - 与外国人的交流,被人打劫,有无遭遇种族歧视 Communication with foreigners, experience of being robbed, feeling racial discrimination
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41:51 - 比较住过的地方,日落公园、雷哥公园、香港、威斯特彻斯特 Comparing the places she has lived: Sunset Park, Rego Park, Hong Kong, and Westchester
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44:44 - 与邻居的交往,附近的宗教、华人团体,如何跟人介绍自己的社区 Her neighbors, religious and Chinese associations nearby, introducing her own community
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49:04 - 工作经历,上班坐地铁,同事 Her work experience, taking a subway to her job, her colleagues
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57:39 - 语言,休闲娱乐、唱歌、看电视,看医生,庆祝中国外国节日 Language, entertainment, KTV, TV shows, Chinese/Western contrasts: doctors and holidays
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67:10 - 身份认同,婚姻状况 Nationality and identity, marital status
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