0:16 - 开场白:介绍受访者、地址、日期、及采访人 Introduction of narrator and interviewer’s names, interview location, and date
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0:39 - 介绍受访者姓名及八年录影带生意经 Narrator's name, eight year video business' background, running experience, and goals
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16:56 - 地区环境,发展和竞争 The environment, and business competition within the fast development of 8th Ave.
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21:19 - 开店成本、家庭移民过程和生意、最初开餐馆 Business cost, investing savings without loans, restaurant as first family business
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25:40 - 孩子们的名字、年龄、教育 Brought children to work, their names and ages, as well as their schools and education
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42:28 - 语言 Language learning for kids/parents, communication at home/work, English/Chinese dialogues
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53:05 - 美国印象,住房、住地、和唐人街 Impression of America, why she immigrated, one room as 1st home in Chinatown and impression
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58:59 - 定居、入籍、和选举 Becoming an American citizen, voting, caring about politics related to personal life
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62:18 - 在布鲁克林的住房,从租到买,新移民生活便利,地区变化及房价增长 Brooklyn: Rent and home buying, its convenience and changes, housing cost increase
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76:17 - 店铺经营时间、休假、地区发展希望和建议 Store hours, planning very first vacation, suggestions on improving the community
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