0:00 - His curiosity with taking economic classes, working on a 9/11 relief effort for the Asian American community, the difficulty in aiding Chinatown with its informal economy, pushing to provide health care and English language programs。
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13:59 - Working with city planners, policy makers, and funders, how to properly provide for the Chinatown community, tourism being a factor to help rebuild the community but also tourism is harmful as it can deepen stereotypes, wanting to expand the museum and possibly buy property.
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25:25 - Redoing the museum and Maya Lin designing the space, coming back to work at the museum and working with Fay Chew, asking the government for aid to help MOCA grow, looking for a space in the budget.
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49:00 - Maya Lin agreeing to work with MOCA, Lin’s previous work and how she defines her work, programs MOCA organized at 70 Mulberry, how 70 Mulberry should be used and how the archives are stored, backlash from the community over MOCA getting a new space.
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67:33 - How the organization is going to change with the new space, the importance of MOCA and the goal it wants visitors to experience, misconceptions people have on him as a Chinatown activist, funding and how money was raised.
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82:27 - Helping the museum out over the years, frustration with staff when the museum was doing poorly and not listening to his suggestions, not caring where the staff chooses to take MOCA in the future, different choices he made while working at MOCA and his reasoning, bringing in flowers for Chinese new year and looking out for the Chinatown community.
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110:04 - Realizing what skills he has and what he brought to MOCA, the importance of serving the broader community and looking beyond oneself, thinking about what he wants to do with the rest of his life.
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