2016.037.006 Oral History Interview with Cecilia Chiang 2015/12/21
Cecilia Chiang shares her incredible life story from wartime China all the way to becoming a restaurant owner in New York City. Her interview is riddled with her fascinations towards Chinese cuisine as she narrates the role Chinese cuisine has made during the turbulent events of her life, from her journey to Chongqing during the Japanese invasion of China to her time in Japan. She expresses her fondness of Chinese cuisine through a genuine desire to share the wonderful variety of Chinese food as well as a historic appreciation for the culture surrounding Chinese cuisine and Chinese culinary practice.

0:00 - Introduction, family background, growing up in Beijing and family dynamics, parents’ love of food, food available in Beijing, Japanese occupation and lack of food, cross-country walk to Chongqing teaches her about regional Chinese cuisine 访谈背景介绍,家庭背景,在北京长大与家庭活力,父母喜爱饮食,在北京吃到的菜,日本侵略中国后缺乏食物,从北京到重庆的国内长途旅行让她接触到中国各地的地方菜

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10:06 - Experience on the way to Chongqing, avoiding Japanese troops, finding food on the trip 去重庆路上的经历,如何避开日本兵,在旅途中找吃的

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20:40 - Getting to free China in Chongqing, meeting with the general’s wife, living in Chongqing, cuisine in Chongqing, not cooking because she had servants, starting to cook after moving to America, opening restaurant in Japan (1951), classic Chinese chef training 到达重庆解放区,与将军夫人见面,在重庆的生活,在重庆的饮食,因为有仆人所以不用亲自下厨,搬到美国后开始做饭,1951年在日本开餐馆,传统的中国厨师训练

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31:25 - Running a restaurant in Japan, Chinese mission in Japan, post-war Japan, customers in restaurant, coming to the US after her sister’s husband died, why she opened up a second restaurant in US, bringing authentic Chinese food to America. 在日本开餐馆,在日本的中国代表团,战后的日本,餐馆里的客户,姐夫死后来到美国,她为什么在美国开了第二家餐馆,把正宗中餐带到美国

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46:03 - Pride in rich Chinese food culture, educating people about Chinese food, lack of business mindset, story behind name for restaurant “Mandarin,” diverse Chinese cultures within China, signature dishes, Chinese restaurant standards in the past compared with now. 以中国的丰富饮食文化为傲,在美国传授中国菜,缺乏商业思想,Mandarin餐馆名字的来源,中国含有多种族文化,招牌菜,中餐馆过去和现在的标准水平比较

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57:16 - How Chinese immigrants made a living, importance of food to Chinese people, healthy food and Chinese culture, New Year traditions, thoughts on Chinatown over the years 中国移民如何在美国谋生,饮食对中国人的重要性,健康食品与中国文化,新年传统习俗,对多年来纽约唐人街的想法

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68:46 - About Mandarin restaurant, good service and work ethic, focus is not on making money, importance of good service, what makes a good restaurant experience. 关于Mandarin餐馆,好的服务与职业道德,主要目标不是赚钱,好的服务的重要性,如何创造最佳的餐馆经验

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