0:10 - 祖父与父亲在30年代定居美国, 家族族谱 Grandfather and father settled in America in 1930s, family genealogy
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9:24 - 李氏家族协会, 父亲的外围投注工作 Lee Family Association, father's OTB job
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18:01 - 二战军人的父亲及其自身定义,在茂比利街成长 WWII-veteran father and his self-identity, grew up on Mulberry St.
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29:09 - 迈克尔的童年, 对祖父母的追忆, 及其教育 Michael's childhood, recollections of grandparents, and his education
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40:24 - 切斯特的教育,哥伦比亚大学,1966的纽约 Chester's education and Columbia University, New York in 1966
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51:06 - 父母, 非盈利机构, 华人社区, 慈善事业 Parents, non-profit organizations, the Chinese community, philanthropy
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70:08 - 给美籍华裔和移民一代的建议 Advices for Chinese-American and immigrant generations
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