2015.007.020 Interview with Yvonne Wong July 17, 1997


Yvonne Wong is a woman who grew up in Jamaica. She was born to a Chinese father and a Jamaican woman of mixed ancestry, African and European. Yvonne talks about growing up in Jamaica and her early recollections of living there. She recounts how her father was a gambler and lost his first business as a gambling debt. She further talks about how her parents different ethnicities led to different traditions and cultural values. Her father wanted her to work in the shop while her mother instilled the need for a good education. She went on to discuss the how she ended up in the states working at the UN. She discusses the question of ethnicity. She considers herself Jamaican because to her that encompasses all of her ancestry from both sides of her family. Jamaica has a very diverse ethnic background, in the 16th century Jamaica had the largest Sephardic Jew population. Trying to hide any part of your ethnicity is going to make a person feel uncomfortable so Yvonne believes that everyone needs to accept their heritage whether good or bad.

0:01 - Introduction, biographical information, how her racial identity was viewed in Jamaica, her thoughts on her own ethnic identity, how her parents met 背景介绍、自我介绍、她的种族身份在牙买加是如何被看待的、她对自己种族身份的看法、她的父母是如何认识的

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10:13 - Interracial marriages in Jamaica, Chinese community in Kingston Jamaica, her father's immigration to Jamaica, going to Chinese schools, differences in values between her mother and father, father's family left in China 牙买加的异族通婚,牙买加金斯顿的华人社区,她父亲移民牙买加,上中文学校,她父母之间的价值观差异,父亲的家人离开中国

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21:49 - Neighborhood growing up in Jamaica, Chinese New Year celebrations, food, father's shop in Jamaica, father's view on the role of women 在牙买加长大的社区、农历新年庆祝活动、食物、牙买加父亲的商店、父亲对女性角色的看法

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33:15 - Anecdotes about her father and his shop in Jamaica 关于她父亲和他在牙买加的商店的轶事

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42:09 - Chinese traditions, thoughts on ethnicity, education and work after high school, immigrating to the US, working at the UN 中国传统,民族思想,高中毕业后的教育和工作,移民美国,在联合国工作

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51:59 - Her ethnic identity, where is home, thoughts on the current social conditions in Jamaica, thoughts on improving the social conditions in Jamaica 她的民族身份,家在哪里,对牙买加当前社会状况的思考,对改善牙买加社会状况的思考

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61:00 - Demographic of friends while growing up in Jamaica, social pressures exerted on some of her friends to only associate with Chinese, ethnic diversity in Jamaica 在牙买加长大的朋友的人口统计背景,社会压力迫使她的一些朋友只与牙买加的中国人交往,牙买加的种族多样性

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68:59 - Jamaican Patois, importance of embracing one's own history 牙买加方言,维护自身历史的重要性

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