0:00 - 介绍,祖父移民牙买加的原因,祖父在金士顿的店,父亲离开并返回牙买加,父亲为他的兄弟工作,得到姓氏“Lowe” Introduction, grandfather's reasons for immigrating to Jamaica, grandfather's shop in Kingston, father leaving and returning to Jamaica, father working for his brother, getting the last name "Lowe"
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12:24 - 父母的杂货店,兄弟姐妹,在牙买加长大,对中国孩子的期望,生活在一个“恶劣”的邻里 Father's grocery store, siblings, growing up in Jamaica, expectations of Chinese children, living in a "bad" neighborhood
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23:24 - 母亲在中国和牙买加的历史和生活,移民美国,在美国受教育 Mother's history and life in China and Jamaica, immigrating to the US, education in the US
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32:25 - 在牙买加成长的朋友圈,牙买加的阶层,与中国人的阶级冲突,家庭与邻里的人的关系,美国和加拿大的中国牙买加社区 Circle of friends while growing up in Jamaica, class hierarchy in Jamaica, class conflicts against Chinese, family's relationship with others in the neighborhood, Chinese Jamaican communities in America and Canada
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41:49 - 牙买加的华人社区(巴里街),小孩的积极影响,牙买加的价值观,中国新年的庆祝活动,母亲与中国人和中国文化的脱节 Chinese community in Jamaica (Barry Street), positive influences as a child, Jamaican values, Chinese new year celebrations, mother's disconnect with Chinese people and culture
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49:35 - 父亲移民美国,在美国工薪阶层牙买加人的轶事,牙买加的政治动荡,1975年移民美国,美国的种族偏见 Father's immigration to the US, anecdote about working class Jamaican people in the US, political unrest in Jamaica, Immigrating to the US in 1975, racial prejudices in the US
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58:37 - 婚礼,加勒比对女性的态度,双语的重要性,去牙买加的新中国移民,她父亲在美国保留的中国习俗 Weddings, Caribbean attitudes toward woman, importance of being bilingual, new Chinese immigrating to Jamaica, Chinese customs her father retained in the US
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