2015.007.005 Interview with Fabiana Chiu, August 25, 1997


Fabiana Chiu, a Chinese Peruvian woman, talks about her family origins in Peru and the circumstances that led them there. She talks about how her father tried to protect her and her siblings from racial stereotypes because of their outwardly Chinese appearance. But as a result was just perpetuating a stereotyping of his own. Eventually she journeyed to the United States in search of the “American Dream” because in Peru the corporate structure favored nepotism. She went to school and met her husband in Washington DC. Although she has moved to the US the stereotypes of Asian Latinos is still perpetuated in the Latin countries and those misconceptions are carried over to the US. She further discusses personal identity and how she would like her children to identify themselves if she had any.

0:00 - 介绍,简短的个人传记,她在秘鲁的家庭历史,她的曾祖父移民到秘鲁,曾祖父和曾祖母 Introduction, brief personal biography, history of her family in Peru, immigration of her great grandfather to Peru, great grandfather and great grandmother

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9:25 - 父亲的职业生涯(丝绸商人,摄影师,五金店老板),外公移民到秘鲁,她的祖父母如何相识,父母如何相识,父母的婚礼 Father's career (silk merchant, photographer, hardware store owner), Maternal grandfather's immigration to Peru, how her grandparents met, how her parents met, parents wedding

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20:22 - 在秘鲁长大,孩童时代遇到的种族歧视,她父母对非华裔的偏见,秘鲁首都利马的唐人街 Growing up in Peru, racism faced as a child, prejudices her parent's held against non-Chinese, Lima's Chinatown

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29:12 - 父母的婚礼,婚礼的中国传统,父母的宗教信仰(圣罗莎),父亲的中国身份 Parent's wedding, Chinese aspects of their wedding, parent's religious beliefs (Saint Rosa), father's Chinese identity

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37:53 - 她童年时期的中国风俗习惯,中国菜,秘鲁独特的事物,童年时期的邻里,职业抱负与父亲的期望,兄弟姐妹的职业生涯 Chinese customs during her childhood, Chinese food, things unique to Peru, her childhood neighborhood, career aspirations vs her father's expectations, siblings careers

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47:59 - 为什么她认为中国人是非常孤立,对非华裔的家庭偏见,对秘鲁的亚洲人的歧视,成功的亚裔朋友仍然生活在秘鲁 Why she thinks Chinese are so insular, family prejudices against non-Chinese, discrimination against Asians in Peru, successful Asian friends still living in Peru

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55:53 - 离开秘鲁的原因,去肯塔基上学,搬到俄亥俄州去读新闻学研究生院,和她未来的丈夫一起去波士顿 Reasons for leaving Peru, going to school in Kentucky, moving to Ohio to go to grad school for Journalism, Moving to Boston with her future husband

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64:50 - 选择在波多黎各结婚的理由,婚礼,招待会和客人 Reasons for choosing to get married in Puerto Rico, wedding ceremony, reception, and guests

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74:17 - 庆祝秘鲁独立日,来MOCA上班,丈夫与父母的互动,她如何认识她的丈夫,种族认同,美国和南美洲的种族主义 Celebrating Peruvian independence day, coming to work for MOCA, husband's interactions with her parents, how she met her husband, ethnic identity, racism in America and South America

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87:22 - 哪里是家?全球中国秘鲁社区的界限,西班牙语的统一力量 Where is home, boundaries of the global Chinese Peruvian community, unifying power of the Spanish language

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93:52 - 未来计划前往中国寻根,近距离接触她在中国的过去,秘鲁媒体宣传的中国刻板印象,希望儿童了解他们的民族身份 Future plans to travel to China to discover family roots, embracing her Chinese past, Chinese stereotypes propagated by the Peruvian media, hopes of children's understanding of their ethnic identity

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