2015.007.003 Interview with Edouard Wah Ho, November 12, 1997


Edouard Wah Ho is a painter of Haitian and Chinese descent. He talks about how his father came to reside in Haiti after leaving China to avoid fighting during a war and raised a family there. His father owned several business to support Ho and his 7 siblings. But the two were unable to communicate due to the language barrier. His father only spoke Chinese and he did not. Ho goes on to discuss his 32 year marriage to his ex-wife, Micheline Alvarez, how he got started as a painter, and his cultural identity. He also touches on his extended family in the US, Haiti, and China.

0:00 - 父亲去海地,家庭安居在海地,结婚 father's journey to Haiti, family settling in Haiti, marriage

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7:02 - 离开海地,生活在得克萨斯,家庭在海地,姐姐在中国的生活,父亲的家庭留在中国,其他海地华人 Leaving Haiti, life in Texas, family in Haiti, sister's life in China, father's family left in China, other Haitian Chinese

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14:04 - 受到影响,开始艺术创作,艺术风格,在海地一个大家庭中长大 Influences to start creating art, art style, sacrifices to pursue art, growing up with a large family in Haiti

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19:52 - 父亲的工作,父亲去世后的生活,克里奥尔语,父亲的中国朋友,父亲在费城和古巴的其他家庭,海地的中国社区 father's job, life after his father's death, creole language, father's Chinese friends, father's other families in Philadelphia and Cuba, Chinese neighborhood in Haiti

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30:37 - 海地中国社区在1956年的衰败,来到美国,家庭期望,民族认同,别人怎么看他的种族 downfall of Chinese neighborhood in Haiti in 1956, coming to America, family expectations, ethnic identity, how other's perceived his ethnicity

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39:37 - 青年时期的中国习俗,中国菜,洗衣,欺凌,家庭宗教活动 Chinese customs during his youth, Chinese food, laundry, bullying, family religious practices

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47:41 - 生活在美国,海地海关,他的婚礼和招待会,父母在海地的婚礼,姐姐的婚礼,兄弟的婚礼 Life in America, Haitian customs, his wedding and reception, parent's wedding in Haiti, sister's wedding, brother's wedding

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61:33 - 圣诞节的传统,在美国有关种族的轶事,向他的孩子们传授中国语言和文化,他的孩子如何看待他们的民族身份 Christmas traditions, anecdote about ethnicity in America, passing on Chinese language and culture to his children, how his children view their ethnic identity

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73:35 - 宗教,海地和中国的家,“家”的概念,作为艺术家的价值,美国和海地的自由观 Religion, family in Haiti and China, concept of "home," values as an artist, the idea of freedom in America and Haiti

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