0:01 - 家庭介绍, 从1969年开始定居布鲁克林, 在加州上大学 Introducation of family, settling in Brooklyn since 1969, college in California
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5:57 - 在布鲁克林的童年, 作为新移民面对的语言困难和教育 Childhood in Brooklyn, language barrier and education faced as a new immigrant
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25:32 - 在山丘上采摘蔬菜, 在康尼岛钓螃蟹和其他娱乐 Picking vegetables from the hills, crab fishing at Coney Island, and entertainment
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34:23 - 追忆10年的加州生活, 教书生涯,面对越南难民 Recollecting 10-year memories of California, teaching career and facing Vietnamese refugees
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38:16 - 回到纽约并开始从事餐饮行业的工作 Returning to New York and starting work in the restaurant industry
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49:14 - 竞选第20区学区委员,推动8大道华人社区的教育 A campaign run for the District 20 school board, pushing education for 8th Avenue Chinese community
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58:33 - 竞选结果, 帮助三个溺水身亡的陈氏兄弟及其家庭 The outcome of the campaign, helping the three drowning Chin Brothers and their family
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61:31 - 成为第一个第12社区华人委员 Becoming the first Chinese member of Community Board 12
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