1990.015.004 Oral History Interview with Donald Seeto


In his youth, Donald Seeto played basketball on the Chinatown teams sponsored by the Chinese Athletic Club (CAC) (after 1946, the Chinese Community Club). Seeto was a member of the Midgets Basketball Team representing Chinatown’s Fifth Precinct, which won the Police Athletic League (PAL) New York City Basketball Championship undefeated for an impressive 25 straight games in 1945. In this oral history, Seeto shares memories of playing and later coaching CCC basketball during the 1940s. He talks the founding and funding of the Chinese Community Club (CCC) located at Pell Street, the CCC junior, intermediate and senior teams, the lively rivalry between CCC and other neighborhood teams, drawing 100-150 spectators to games played against Catholic teams in the Bronx, challenging Italian kids for the courts at Columbus Park, games and practices at the Church of All Nations during the 1940s, the shift to True Light Lutheran Church during the 1950s, the Intercity or Yupin Tournament organized for the Chinatown teams of New York, Philadelphia, Washington, and Boston to compete, the development of softball, girls basketball, and Japanese players during World War II. He also goes through photographs to identify various teams and teammates such as Newton Chin, Moody Chin, Richard Chin, Leong Gay Lee, James Mong Wu, Edmund Chin, Andrew Lung, and Stanley Chin of the CCC teams; David and Coolidge Mar of the Paxtons; a girls team called the Docks; Chinatown youth sports boosters such as Shavey Lee; and longtime CCC basketball coach Lung “Pop” Chin.

0:00 - Shavey Lee was unofficial mayor of Chinatown, this meant he represented the Chinese to caucasian people, tells about photo of team wearing Shavey Lee t-shirt, older of CCC senior team went off to college out of state in 1947/48, came back at Christmas to have double hitter basketball game and dance at True Light Church, Shavey Lee all-stars, coaches Harvey and Lui, used to have dancing at Community Club during WWII, suggests they go one photo at time, asked people to autograph book

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6:12 - After CAC Midgets won PLA game held dance at the Essex House near Central Park 59th Street, raised enough money to start Chinese Community Club (CCC) in 1946, the next year formed three teams (junior, intermediate, and senior teams), no longer Chinese Athletic Club (CAC), old-timers played under CAC in 1930s, all at the Church of All Nations on Houston Street, where on Pell Street the CCC was located, today used by Lee law and travel office, CCC around for 4 or 5 years into the 1950s

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10:57 - CCC raised money through membership dues and fundraising balls and carnivals, supporters were mainly businessmen, for social get together not political, photo from game played at Church of All Nations, practices at church for various teams, later in 1948/49 True Light put up gym and gradually shifted to True Light in 1950s, not all teams played for CCC such as Harold Lui’s group the Warriors, how they formed True Light league, other teams such as the Paxtons and Dragons, refereed their own games

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17:56 - Many teens from age 17-30s involved in basketball teams, coach “Cheesy” Harold Lui, scheduled twin billing, fans developed team loyalty, had 100-150 spectators and players, girls teams developed later, points out photo of girls team in 1946 called the Docks, CCC team known as best and most coveted team to play on, CCC represented Chinatown and played the black, white and hispanic teams, other teams played within the community, Shavey had contacts and helped connect since this was his team

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22:57 - His team drew spectators, St. Francis team in the Bronx were tough opponents, Chinatown fans came up to see them play, intermediate or championship midget team was strong, took advantage of their speed and instinct to win against taller teams, Lung developed their zone defense strategy called the “rat attack,” like what teams do today, remembering St. Francis game, Newton was a strong player, Donald played left forward position, also played guard and center

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27:26 - Playing in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Chinese community started the Intercity Tournament (Yupin Tournament) in 1949, initially between Philadelphia and New York teams, later invited Washington, Baltimore and Boston, each city only put up one team in those days, the Shavey Lee team called themselves the Paxtons, were ex-CCC that had gone off to college, invited to Yupin Tournament, lost to Washington, girls did not play this tournament, girls played half-court game using the old rules

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31:31 - Chin farm in Englishtown NJ was where they picked up player Richard on way to Philadelphia, Richard lived at Bayard Street but family subsequently bought a farm, his team beat Washington in finals, softball league, played in Columbus Park, lively rivalry between the teams, CCC senior team won championship, all other teams formed all-star team to play senior team, Lung was a master at hyping up game, Lung good at picking the best players and getting the most out of them

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38:59 - How parents felt about children playing ball, many parents never got involved because too busy working, his parents did not like it because he would get hurt, left Chinese school early to play championship, did not have juvenile delinquents, challenged Italians for use of the court at Columbus Park, examples of when they played outside teams (represented Fifth Precinct in PAL, Church of All Nations league, Intercity Tournament league), played 16 games in a season to reach championship

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43:21 - Identifying photo of all-star team, identifying some of the Paxtons in photos, Pax stands for peace in Latin, [pause], identifying CCC intermediates in photos (team he later coached), CCC senior team, Herbie and Freddy Lee not strong players, switched coaching of junior and intermediate teams, how he formed the team he coached, photo of Tony Marcel (boxer) presenting trophy, photo of Dan Moy and team when won championship

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51:01 - Continues identifying photos, combining of all the CCC teams later on, CCC newspaper showing score, bowling league popular among Chinese, Donald playing center, booster at Church of All Nations, the Bears were the Japanese team, Japanese players Shigaru and Jackson during WWII, east vs west team in 1941/42 during CAC period, they were kids and did not understand Japanese players were interned, bunting and stealing, softball in Columbus Park, start to play in Central Park, how softball developed

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